

                                                                                                                                                               报告人:  张玉峰



 报告题目:   A subalgebra of loop algebra and its applications


Abstract:  A  subalgebra of loop algebra and its expanding loop algebra are constructed. It follows that both resulting integrable Hamiltonian hierarchies are obtained. As a reduction case of the first hierarchy, a generalized nonlinear coupled Schrodinger equation, the standard heat-conduction and a formalism of the well known Ablowitz, Kaup, Newell and Segur hierarchy are given, respectively. As a reduction case of the second hierarchy, the nonlinear Schrodinger and modified Korteweg de Vries hierarchy and a new integrable system are presented. Especially, a coupled generalized Burgers equation is generated.


报告时间:  2003910(星期三)   下午400-500

报告地点:  科技综合楼三层报告厅