


报告人        邓卫兵 




报告题目    Blowup in reaction-diffusion equations

Abstract: This report deals with reaction-diffusion equations for which a solution local in time exists. If the solution ceases to exist for some finite time, we say that it blows up in finite time. Due to the nonlinearity, blowup can occur even if the data are smooth and well-defined for all times. Some of the works of the reporter are given. They mainly concern with the blowup properties of solutions of some degenerate parabolic equations with non-local sources, which arises from filtration and population dynamics theory. The work contains the problems of local existence of weak and classical solutions, global existence and nonexistence, finite time blow-up, blow-up set and blow-up rate, etc.

报告时间2003年11月5  下午4:00-5:00

