报告人: Liu Yonghui
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing , CAS
报告题目 Generalized Singular Value Decomposition and Its Applications
Abstract: Generalized singular value decomposition (GSVD) has become an important tool in the analysis and numerical solution of numerous problems arising in such diverse applications as psychometrics, statistics, signal processing, control theory and system theory. Not only does it allow for an elegant problem formulating, but at the same time it provides geometrical and algebraic insight together with an immediate numerically robust implementation. This report, we give a brief summary of generalized singular value decomposition,then we apply two types of generalized singular value decompositions such as QQ-SVD and QQQQQ-SVD to analyse the generalized inverse of partitioned block matrices. We obtained complete constructions of g-inverse and reflexive g-inverse of bordered matrices, and results of block independent in bordered matrices and partitioned matrices are also be obtained.
报告时间:2004年11月24日 下午4:00-5:00