


报告人        Liu Guoxin

Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing , CAS


报告题目 An aggregate homotopy method for solving constrained sequential Max-min optimization problems

Abstract: The sequential Max-Min optimization problems are typically nonconvex and nonsmooth, and have extensive applications in engineering design, etc. We propose a homotopy method for solving problems of this type. To this end, first we propose two smoothing functions, called twice aggregate functions, to approximate the sequential Max-min functions, and which have some nice properties studied in this paper. Moreover, we also give a K-K-T type first-order optimization conditions for this problem based on the Clarke’s subdifferential theory. Lastly, based on the proposed smoothing functions, a smooth homotopy for solving constrained sequential Max-Min problem, called aggregate homotopy, is constructed. Under certain assumptions, the aggregate homotopy generates a smooth interior path from a known interior point to a generalized K-K-T point of this problem. Numerically tracing the smooth path gives globally convergent algorithm for a solution of the given problem.

报告时间2004年12月22  下午4:00-5:00

