2025年02月23日 星期日 登录 EN

Modern methods for Variational Inequalities and Equilibrium Problems
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Yurii Nesterov, Professor, University of Louvain
Xin Liu, Professor
Modern methods for Variational Inequalities and Equilibrium Problems
16:30-17:30 August 3 (Thursday), Tencent Meeting: 373-3811-9197

In this talk, we present a unified approach for constructing efficient methods for solving Variational Inequalities, presented in a composite form (CVI). This class of problems is close to the maximal one, which can be efficiently treated by numerical methods. At the same time, it is more difficult than the class of Convex Optimization Problems. All efficient methods for VI use an additional "extra-gradient" step. We propose a new interpretation of this step as a cutting plane for the optimal solution. Moreover, contrary to existing recipes, we introduce a universal extragradient step, which does not depend on the particular class of CVI. Consequently, our framework can be used for developing optimal methods for CVI, which are based on high-order oracles.