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Xiaoying Dai
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Xiaoying Dai,  Professor

  • Research direction:

    Finite element method, eigenvalue problem
  • Representative work:

    1.	Xiaoying Dai, Qiao Wang, and Aihui Zhou, Gradient flow based Kohn-Sham density functional theory model, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 18(4): 1621-1663, 2020. 
    2.	Xiaoying Dai, Zhuang Liu, Liwei Zhang, and Aihui Zhou, A Conjugate Gradient Method for Electronic Structure Calculations, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 39: PA2702-A2740, 2017.  
    3. Xiaoying Dai, Lianhua He, and Aihui Zhou, Convergence and Quasi-Optimal Complexity of Adaptive Finite element Computations for Multiple Eigenvalues, IMA Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol.35, 1934-1977, 2015. 
    4.  Huajie Chen, Xiaoying Dai, Xingao Gong, Lianhua He, and Aihui Zhou, Adaptive Finite Element Approximations for Kohn-Sham Models, Multiscale Modeling and Simuation, Vol.12, 1828-1869, 2014.   
    5. Xiaoying Dai, Jinchao Xu, and Aihui Zhou, Convergence and Optimal Complexity of Adaptive Finite Element Eigenvalue Computations, Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 110, 313-355, 2008.  
  • Contact information:

    Office:Room 216, Lanbai Building Telephone:0086-10-82541034 Email:daixy@lsec.cc.ac.cn