2025年03月12日 星期三 登录 EN

Waves in Topological Materials
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Yi Zhu, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University
Pingbing Ming, Professor
Waves in Topological Materials
10:00-11:00 November 16 (Thursday), N702

In the past decade, a revolution in materials sciences has been brought about by the recognition of topology in characterizing the physical properties. These materials which support nontrivial topological phases are termed as topological materials. The related research is now beyond the quantum systems and the phenomena have been realized in many fields such as photonics, acoustics and mechanics and so on. In this talk, I will introduce recent advances on the mathematical aspects--analysis and numerics for these materials. Especially, I will focus on the existence of conical spectrum points, topological edge states and topologically protected wave motions and corresponding numerical methods if time allows.

报告人简介:朱毅博士在清华大学取得学士、博士学位,然后在University of Colorado-Boulder进行博士后研究,回国后进入清华大学工作至今。研究领域为应用与计算数学,主要运用应用分析及数值计算等数学工具研究材料、生物、化学、光学、流体以及工程等应用学科中的复杂现象,最近几年主要关注拓扑材料中波动现象的数学理论和数值方法。曾入选国家青年拔尖人才计划支持,目前主持承担国家重点研发计划、自然科学基金等项目,担任著名应用数学期刊Studies in Applied Mathematics编委。