2025年03月14日 星期五 登录 EN

Significance Test for Multinomial Naive Bayes with Ultra-high Dimensional Binary Features
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Baiguo An, Associate Professor, Capital University of Economics and Business
Wei Leng, Associate Professor
Significance Test for Multinomial Naive Bayes with Ultra-high Dimensional Binary Features
16:00-17:00 August 17 (Thursday) , Lecture hall on the first floor of Siyuan Building

We developed a significance test method for multinomial naive bayes classifier with ultra-high dimensional binary features. A novel test statistic with asymptotic standard Gaussian null distribution is proposed. Under very mild assumptions, the proposed test statistic has powers that tend to 1 as the sample size tends to infinity. Then a sequential test process is developed to perform variable screening. We applied the proposed methods to lots of numerical studies including simulated examples and two real text data classification examples. The results show that our methods have good finite sample performances.
