2024年09月08日 星期日 登录 EN

Explicit K-symplectic methods for nonseparable non-canonical Hamiltonian systems
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Beibei Zhu, Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology Beijing
Yifa Tang, Professor
Explicit K-symplectic methods for nonseparable non-canonical Hamiltonian systems
10:30-11:30 July 9(Tuesday), N702

We propose efficient numerical methods for nonseparable non-canonical Hamiltonian systems which are explicit, K-symplectic in the extended phase space with long time energy conservation properties. They are based on extending the original phase space to several copies of the phase space and imposing a mechanical restraint on the copies of the phase space. Explicit K-symplectic methods are constructed for two non-canonical Hamiltonian systems. Numerical tests show that the proposed methods exhibit good numerical performance in preserving the phase orbit and the energy of the system over long time, whereas higher order Runge–Kutta methods do not preserve these properties. Numerical tests also show that the K-symplectic methods exhibit better efficiency than that of the same order implicit symplectic, explicit and implicit symplectic methods for the original nonseparable non-canonical systems. On the other hand, the fourth order Ksymplectic method is more efficient than the fourth order Yoshida’s method, the optimized partitioned Runge–Kutta and Runge–Kutta–Nystr¨om explicit K-symplectic methods for the extended phase space Hamiltonians, but less efficient than the the optimized partitioned Runge–Kutta and Runge–Kutta–Nystr¨om extended phase space symplectic-like methods with the midpoint permutation.