2025年03月16日 星期日 登录 EN

On the entropic convergence of quantum Markovian dynamics
首页 - 学术活动
Bowen Li, Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong
Tao Yin, Associate Professor
On the entropic convergence of quantum Markovian dynamics
10:00-11:00 August 29 (Thursday), N224

The use of Lindblad equations to prepare thermal and ground states has received an increasing amount of attention in quantum computing, yet there have been not many analytical results regarding its convergence rate. In this talk, we will discuss some recent progress in the analytical understanding of the equilibration mechanism of the Lindblad equation, drawing connections with the study of classical dynamics.  We shall investigate the mixing properties of primitive hypocoercive Lindblad dynamics. By extending the variational framework originally developed for underdamped Langevin dynamics, we derive fully explicit and constructive exponential decay estimates for the convergence of these dynamics in the L2-norm. Our analysis relies on establishing a quantum analog of space-time Poincare inequalities. To complement these hypocoercive estimates, we also analyze the limiting behavior of the spectral gap for Lindblad dynamics with a large coherent contribution, providing sharper convergence rate estimates in this asymptotic regime.