2024年09月16日 星期一 登录 EN

首页 - 科研队伍

冷伟,  副研究员

  • 研究方向:

  • 代表作:

    1. Wei Leng, Lili Ju, A diagonal sweeping domain decomposition method with source transfer for the Helmholtz equation, Commun. Comput. Phys., 29:357-398, 2020
    2. Wei Leng, Lili Ju, An additive overlapping domain decomposition method for the Helmholtz equation, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41(2): A1252-A1277, 2019
    3. Wei Leng, Lili Ju, Max Gunzburger, Stephen Price, Todd D. Ringler, A parallel high-order accurate finite element nonlinear Stokes ice sheet model and benchmark experiments, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 117, F1, 2012
  • 联系方式:

    办公室:中科院数学院科技综合楼402房间 电 话:0086-10-82541577 邮 箱:wleng@lsec.cc.ac.cn