2024年12月05日 星期四 登录 EN

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李文博,  副研究员

  • 研究方向:

    Numerical methods for PDEs, Fully nonlineare PDEs, nonlocal PDEs.
  • 代表作:

    W. Li and R. H. Nochetto, Optimal pointwise error estimates for two-scale methods for the Monge–Ampère equation, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 56(3):1915--1941, 2018.
    W. Li and R. H. Nochetto, Quantitative stability and error estimates for optimal transport plans, IMA J. Numer. Anal., 41(3):1941--1965, 2021.
    J. P. Borthagaray, W. Li and R. H. Nochetto, Finite element discretizations of nonlocal minimal graphs: convergence, Nonlinear Anal., 189:111566, 31, 2019.
    W. Li and A. J. Salgado, Time fractional gradient flows: Theory and numerics, submitted, arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.00541.
  • 联系方式:

    办公室:蓝白楼511 电 话: 邮 箱:liwenbo@lsec.cc.ac.cn