2024年09月20日 星期五 登录 EN

Integrated geophysical joint inversion theory and methods
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Yanfei Wang, Professor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chong Chen, Associate Professor
Integrated geophysical joint inversion theory and methods
9:30-10:15 August 31(Wednesday), Z311
Geophysical inversion is an important type of mathematical physics inverse problem, with a distinct application background and research difficulty. Due to the limitations of a single physical property detection, the inversion results are not sufficient in terms of accuracy and resolution to meet the needs of actual exploration and development. In recent years, we have comprehensively used various geophysical methods to study the same geological body from different view of points. Using the correlation between multiple physical properties as prior information or the same multi-type data as structural constraints, and introducing spatial structure coupling algorithms can improve the accuracy of inversion and interpretation; In addition, artificial intelligence technology can also be introduced to further improve the accuracy of inversion, so as to achieve a closer to the actual purpose.