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Linbo Zhang
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Linbo Zhang,  Professor

  • Research direction:

    Parallel computing
  • Representative work:

    [1] Zhang Lin-bo, Chen Shiyi, Li Xinliang, Cao Jianwen, Zhang Wensheng, Gong Xingao, The Teracluster LSSC-II — Its Designing Principles and Applications in Large Scale Numerical Simulations, Science in China A, 47supp., 2004, pp.53-68.
    [2] Lin-Bo Zhang, A Parallel Algorithm for Adaptive Local Refinement of Tetrahedral Meshes Using Bisection, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Method and Applications, 2 (2009), pp.65-89.
    [3] Linbo Zhang, Tao Cui and Hui Liu, A Set of Symmetric Quadrature Rules on Triangles and Tetrahedra, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 27 (2009), pp.89-96.
    [4] 张林波, 郑伟英, 卢本卓, 崔涛, 冷伟, 林灯,并行自适应有限元软件平台PHG及其应用,《中国科学:信息科学》,2016,第46卷,第10期,pp.1442-1464.
    [5] Tao Cui, Wei Leng, Huaqing Liu, Linbo Zhang and Weiying Zheng, High-Order Numerical Quadratures in a Tetrahedron with an Implicitly Defined Curved Interface, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 46, 1, Article 3, 2020.
  • Contact information:

    Office:Room 722, South Building Telephone:0086-10-82541930 Email:zlb@lsec.cc.ac.cn