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Chensong Zhang
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Chensong Zhang,  Associate Professor

  • Research direction:

    Adaptive finite element methods, multigrid methods
  • Representative work:

    Linear solvers for petroleum reservoir simulation, C.-S. Zhang, Journal on Numerical Methods and Computer Applications, 43, 1–26 (03/2022)
    On the ideal interpolation operator in algebraic multigrid methods, X. Xu and C.-S. Zhang, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 56, 1693–1710 (06/2018)
    Analytical decoupling techniques for fully implicit reservoir simulation, C. Qiao, S. Wu, J. Xu, and C.-S. Zhang, Journal of Computational Physics, 336, 664–681 (05/2017)
    Combined preconditioning with applications in reservoir simulation, X. Hu, S. Wu, X.-H. Wu, J. Xu, C.-S. Zhang, S. Zhang, and L. Zikatanov, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 11, 507– 521 (08/2013)
    A posteriori error analysis for a class of integral equations and variational inequalities, R. H. Nochetto, T. von Petersdorff, and C.-S. Zhang, Numerische Mathematik, 116, 519–552 (10/2010)
  • Contact information:

    Office:Room 210, Lanbai Building Telephone:0086-10-82541012 Email:zhangcs@lsec.cc.ac.cn