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Peijun Li
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Peijun Li,  Professor

  • Research direction:

    Inverse problems for PDEs, Scattering and inverse scattering problems for wave equations
  • Representative work:

    1. (with G. Bao) Maxwell’s Equations in Periodic Structures, Series on Applied Mathematical Sciences, vol. 208, Science Press, Beijing and Springer, Singapore, 2022. 
    2. (with X. Yuan) An adaptive finite element DtN method for the elastic wave scattering problem, Numer. Math., 150 (2022), 993-1033. 
    3. (with X. Wang) Inverse random source scattering for the Helmholtz equation with attenuation, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 81 (2021), 485-506. 
    4. (with G. Bao and Y. Zhao) Stability for the inverse source problems in elastic and electromagnetic waves, J. Math. Pures Appl., 134 (2020), 122-178. 
    5. (with J. Li and T. Helin) Inverse random source problems for time-harmonic acoustic and elastic waves, Commun. Partial Differential Equations, 45 (2020), 1335-1380. 
  • Contact information:

    Office:Room717, South Building Telephone: Email:lipeijun@lsec.cc.ac.cn