15:00-16:00 March 19 (Tuesday), Z301
Yuwen Li, Professor, Zhejiang University
Entropy-based convergence rates of greedy algorithms3月17日(周日)15:00-16:00,蓝白楼311
张里程 教授,中国人民解放军总医院
人工智能驱动骨科手术技术创新15:30-16:30 March 14(Thursday), N224
Xiaodi Zhang, Lecturer, Zhengzhou University
A preconditioned Newton method for primal-dual finite element discretization of the ROF model15:30-16:30 March 13 (Wednesday), N202
Ke Chen, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Strathclyde, UK
A Self-supervised Dual-Domain Network for Low-Dose CT Denoising9:00-11:00 March 8 (Friday), Z301
Boyuan Ruan, School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University
Randomized first-order methods for convex finite-sum optimization15:00-16:00 March 6 (Wednesday), N219
Zuowei Shen, Professor, National University of Singapore
Deep Approximation via Deep Learning2月26日(周一)14:00-16:00,南楼724
大数据、人工智能与反问题10:30-11:30 January 25(Thursday), Z311
Shuo Yang, Assistant Professor, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications
Accelerated gradient flows for large bending deformations of nonlinear plates14:00-15:00 January 19 (Friday) , Tencent Meeting: 909-290-375
Guoxian Chen, Associate Professor, Wuhan University
A Type of Robust Bound-preserving MUSCL-Hancock Schemes10:00-11:00 January 15 (Monday), N702
Yu Xia, Associate Professor, Hangzhou Normal University
blind deconvolution theory and related algorithms10:30-11:30 January 11(Thursday), N702
Zili Xu, Doctor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Interlacing Polynomial Methods for the Generalized Column and Row Subset Selection9:30-10:30 January 11(Thursday), N702
Xiaoxian Tang, Associate Professor, Beihang University