包刚 院士(浙江大学)
陈勇 教授(华东师范大学)
范恩贵 教授(复旦大学)
Riemann-Hilbert方法与可积系统的代数几何解14:00-15:00 March 14(Friday), N226
Shoufu Tian, Professor, China University of Mining and Technology
Whitham modulation theory and the classification of solutions of the Riemann problem for the Fokas-Lenells equation14:00-15:00 March 13(Thursday), S813
Yunjiang Wang, Professor, Institute of Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Free Energy Criterion for Thermal Stability of Schwarz Nanocrystals16:00-17:00 March 12 (Wednesday), Zoom Meeting : 241 197 4086, Passcode: 20240805
ROBERT SCHEICHL, Professor, Heidelberg University
Multiscale Spectral Generalised Finite Elements: Efficient Localised Model Order Reduction9:00-10:00 March 7(Friday), Z305
Changliang Zou, Professor, Nankai University
ByMI: Byzantine Machine Identification with False Discovery Rate Control16:00-17:00 March 6(Thursday), Zoom Meeting ID: 817 9878 4059, Passcode: 258403 Geuzaine Christophe
Christophe Geuzaine, Professor, University of Liege
Non-reflecting boundary conditions and domain decomposition methods for aeroacoustics3月5日(周三)9:00-10:00,南楼202
刘飞 研究员 (北京大学集成电路学院)
铪基铁电薄膜的铁电性起源与多铁隧道结的自旋调控机制14:30-15:30 February 27(Thursday), Z311
Juncai He, Assistant Professor, Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University
Expressivity in Neural Networks: Theory and Applications9:00–11:00 February 27(Thursday), Z301
Weikun Chen, Assistant Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology
An efficient branch-and-cut algorithm for large-scale competitive facility location problems with partially binary choice rule2月22日(周六)10:00-11:30,南楼702
朱华君 副研究员(空天飞行空气动力科学与技术全国重点实验室)