10:00-11:00 October 17(Thursday), N219
Ralf Hiptmair, Professor, Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Zurich
Operator Preconditioning16:00-17:00 October 13 (Sunday) , N202
Qiulan Zhao, Associate Professor, Shandong University of Science and Technology
Quasi-periodic solutions of a discrete integrable equation with a finite-dimensional integrable symplectic structure15:00-16:00 October 13 (Sunday) , N202
Qiulan Zhao, Associate Professor, Shandong University of Science and Technology
Classification of solutions for the (2+1)-dimensional Fokas-Lenells equations based on bilinear method and Wronskian technique15:00-16:00 October 6 (Sunday), N733
Heping Dong, Professor, Jilin University
Uniqueness and reconstruction method for inverse elastic wave scattering with phaseless data14:00-15:00 October 6 (Sunday), N733
Xiaokai Yuan, Associate Professor, Jilin University
Convergence of the PML method for the biharmonic wave scattering problem in periodic structures14:00-15:00 September 30(Monday), Tencent Meeting: 376-112-885
Lulu Liu, Associate Professor, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Nonlinear Preconditioning for Implicit Solution of Discretized PDEs9月30日 (周一) 9:30-10:30,科技综合楼305
张林 副研究员 (过程工程研究所)
复杂流动的SPH模拟及介科学CIC原理量化9月24日 (周二) 9:30-10:30,南楼202
陈亮 副教授(上海大学微电子学院)
芯片热仿真技术16:00-17:00 September 22 (Sunday), N202
Shihao Li, Professor, Sichuan University
Integrability in random matrices15:00-16:00 September 22 (Sunday), N202
Dong Wang, Associate Professor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Local statistics of Muttalib-Borodin ensemble in the hard to soft transitive regime9月12日 (周四) 11:00-12:00,科技综合楼311
高河伟 研究员 (清华大学工程物理系)
直线段扫描CT成像:从Linogram采样几何到傅里叶重建网络14:00-15:00 September 10 (Tuesday), N733
Yue Zhao, Associate Professor, Central China Normal University
Stability for an acoustic inverse source problem with inhomogeneous damping