Wednesday 3 March, 16:00-17:00 pm,
Prof. Zhimin Zhang, (Beijing Computational Science Research Center)
H(curl curl)-conforming and H(grad curl)-conforming finite elements---beyond NedelecSunday 7 February, 20:15-21:00 pm,
刘瑶 工程师, (中科院计算所高性能计算机研究中心)
海光平台的工具链介绍策略Sunday 7 February, 19:30-20:15 pm,
何鑫 副研究员, (中科院计算所高性能计算机研究中心)
面向分布式异构众核超算系统的解法器库X-Solver简介收敛策略Friday 29 January, 14:00-15:00 pm,
赵云松 副教授, (首都师范大学 检测成像工程研究中心)
能谱CT迭代重建算法及加速收敛策略Monday 25 January, 10:00-11:00 am,
刘九龙 博士, (新加坡国立大学)
High dimensional medical image processing: from variational methods to deep learning approachesFriday 22 January, 16:30-17:30 pm,
徐立伟 教授, (电子科技大学)
Stochastic Gauss-Newton Algorithms for Online PCAMonday 20 December,18:30-19:30 pm,
王廷春 教授,
Optimal error estimate of an accurate and conservative finite difference scheme for the quantum Zakharov equationsWednesday 22 December,19:30-21:00 pm,
Assistant Prof. Shihua Gong,
Convergence of Restricted Additive Schwarz method with impedance transmission conditions for discretized Helmholtz problemsWednesday 29 December,19:30-21:00pm,
刘谋斌 教授, (北京大学工学院)
金属增材制造数值模拟与仿真Friday 17 December,10:00-11:00 am,
Prof. Xiantao Li,
Quantum simulation algorithms for non-Markovian open quantum systemsWednesday 15 December,16:0-18:00 pm,
Prof. Mikael Mortensen,
Shenfun and high performance computing with PythonWednesday 15 December,10:0-11:00 am,
Associate Prof. Guanghui Hu,
Towards efficient numerical simulations in density functional theory